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BrandonWhich Linux DE is your favorite?
I like to think that GUIs for DOS are a lot like Desktop Environments for Linux. There are a lot of Linux desktop environments out there and my time one makes a major change there is community backlash. So members of the blog, which do you prefer? I myself generally prefer XFCE, but will also use a BOX window manager with LXpanel or fbpanel.
2013-06-199:30 AM

ToddRe: Which Linux DE is your favorite?
XFCE is generally what I use as well. LXDE is a nice one too although I feel like it's more of a bare-bones desktop manager. I like GNOME 2 but I'm not a huge fan of GNOME 3. GNOME's gotten to be really inflexible over the years and follows more of the popular desktop trends. I like being able to customize my desktop beyond where I want to place my icons. I also like minimalistic desktops but I can be a sucker for Compiz as my window manager.
2013-06-1910:04 AM

BrandonRe: Which Linux DE is your favorite?
LXDE to me is less polished/professional. I choose something like fluxbox over it anyday. I tend to stick to XFCE because I can configure it however I want. The only time I choose other DEs is when I want more speed that it can provide.
2013-06-1912:17 PM

RetroMRe: Which Linux DE is your favorite?
I used to be a big KDE fan, until KDE 4 came out. Now I prefer XFCE. LXDE is way too basic for me.
2013-06-203:21 PM

BrandonRe: Which Linux DE is your favorite?
It seems that's a pretty common theme, KDE and GNOME got too radical and people moved to XFCE which didn't. XFCE was always lighter which to me made it better, but these days it's just not light enough if I want something light.
2013-06-2112:36 PM

MPNQBRe: Which Linux DE is your favorite?
MATE desktop. It's Gnome 2 forked. I couldn't get used to the tardery that was Gnome 3, XFCE still feels half-baked, and KDE is too plastic-looking for me to enjoy using. MATE is a professional looking and intuitive user interface that people who take their Linux computing seriously will adopt more and more.
2013-06-3010:51 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell