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BrandonGOTW: Fun500 2.0
Fun500 2.0 was one of the most important versions of Fun500. It took the longest to develop and had the most BETAs, most of which were based on completely different rewrites. From the start, I knew that I wanted to have windows and multitasking, which to me meant a scripting engine. Todd has a lot of the BETA versions uploaded on his review site: http://qbasicgui.datacomponents.net Eventually I looked back at older BETAs and realized that my newer ones where worse than the old ones and took hold of some of the old code and made what is Fun500 2.0. Somewhat ironically, it was the version that was in development the longest, and also the version that was the latest for the shortest amount of time. 3.0 was released less than a week later and included fancy bitmap themes. Download: Fun500 2.0 Note: I actually have been unable to get Fun500 2.0 or 3.0 to run in DOSBox, so I couldn't get a screenshot. If anyone is able to get one, that would be great.
2013-06-231:03 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell