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BrandonWhat made M-OS 2005 GUI of the year material?
I was thinking about it tonight, and I realized that each GUI that has won GUI Awards has some specific characteristic that makes it stand out. These stand out features are what makes it win GUI Awards and not just end up in second place or worse. In the case of M-OS 2005, the thing that stands out the most to me is the desktop. I think the desktop is one of the things that is easiest to let slide in a GUI, because other features seem more important. However when I sit down at M-OS I find myself appreciating the desktop it provides. If I had a collection of DOS programs that I needed to organize and run, I'd likely look to M-OS for my launcher.
2013-07-1011:40 AM

RetroMRe: What made M-OS 2005 GUI of the year material?
M-OS has one of the best desktops in the QB GUI world. However, my personal favorite GUI desktop is the one in the latest version of DOSstart. And so DOSstart is generally the GUI I use on DOS systems.
2013-07-113:27 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell