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BrandonWhich Linux distro is your favorite?
A couple weeks ago, I asked what your favorite Linux DE was. Athlough the DE is important, the distribution you choose is equally important in terms of helping you create an environment that works for you and that supports the desktop environment and other applications that you want to use. So, lets hear it, what distros do you like/use?
2013-07-019:24 AM

BrandonRe: Which Linux distro is your favorite?
I personally like a couple distributions, depending on what I'm setting up. On my own machines I prefer a vanilla Debian experiance, and lately I've been installing the stock Debian 7.0 with GNOME 3.However, as GNOME 3 sucks, I'll probably download another CD with a different DE (probably XFCE, maybe MATE) to be my go to distro. A couple months ago when the latest Debian was 6.0 and a lot of hardware was still unsupported by the outdated kernel, I'd install Crunchbang. It's fast, light, and has a version based on Debian backports. Although it lacks some of the niceties of other distrobutions, it's stable and seems to work well. On machines that I set up for other people (prior to the Debian 7.0 release), I'd install Linux Mint Debian. It's rolling release cycle makes it easy to keep upto date, Mint makes it easy for end users, and the Debian base means that I can work on it without getting angry/confused. If it's too old for a Debian or Crunchbang install, my go to distro for old machines is Damn Small Linux, you just cannot beat how light it is and how compatible it is. Although it's software might be old and outdated by modern standards, it can do more with 16MB RAM than any other OS that I know of.
2013-07-019:34 AM


2021 Brandon Cornell