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BrandonWhich brand of computer do you like best?
That is a question that I get asked fairly frequently and my answer these days, is that I hate them all. At this point I've owned hardware from virtually every manufacturer and tried every OS I could get my hands on. Windows is far to easy to get viruses on and requires me to call them every time I install (I am not usually installing a brand new copy) and resource intensive. However, commercial games are often just for Windows, and Windows Media Center is the best PVR software I have found (mythTV is a PITA to configure). Linux is very segmented and easy to break. Install the wrong package, and you'll be down until a new version is released or until you can find some other work around. On top of that most distributions take a decent amount of time to configure for each system. But Linux is free, and can be customized to do anything. When configured right, it can be the fastest and most utilitarian of the options. MacOS X is very much a walled garden, you can't configure much, and out of the box you can't run third party apps that you download (just a confit option). The hardware support of OS X is also very limited, to only the expensive hardware that Apple itself sells. However, OS X is a great mobile OS, and Apple's portable computers are the best reviewed in the world. Android is the least stable OS I've tried since Windows 3.1, applications just are not at the same level as other platforms. On top of that updtes to the Os can take months to make it to devices if ever. It's free and open for hacking however. iOS is very locked down, if Apple doesn't want you to have something, you don't have it. It also has a very annoying update system that has no way to auto-update. But compared to Android, iOS is very stable. That's just the big ones, maybe next week I'll post about some of the lesser OSes that I've used that have left me wishing for more
2013-07-251:05 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell