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BrandonMilestone Day
Today is a pretty important day. Not only does today mark six months with the WordPress GUI Blog, it was also my last day of work for the summer. On that note, as far as my personal life goes, I'm half way through college. On the 26th I start my Junior year. I'll be taking all sorts of circuit design classes, and having little time to work on GUIs just like the last two years. As far as the Blog goes, I've been pretty happy with using WordPress. It's often hard to find the inspiration to post GUI of the Week, but I'll probably continue posting it until I run out of GUIs. I think it helps keep the site "alive". As far as my other weekly post (often posted on a Wednesday), I just post about whatever I am thinking that week so it's much easier to write. However, it's not usually strictly GUI related. At this point I think the Blog is working as well as it could be, but if you guys want to see something else, I'm open to suggestions.
2013-08-165:15 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell