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BrandonGOTW: X-GUI 3
This GUI is actually a really special one to me. Back when I was in middle school I had a 486 with Windows 3.1 and found a Windows 3.1 "Shell" online. Basically with Windows 3.1 there is a text config file that tells the system where the program manager is, and if you change that value, you can change what "application manager/desktop" thingy is opened when you open Windows. I just so happens that when I googled for Windows 3.1 shells, X-GUI 3 came up, and I found it was written in QBASIC, a language that I already knew a little about. That was the start of my GUI obsession. So if you haven't yet, download X-GUI 3 today!
2013-09-1511:01 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell