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BrandonGOTW: DC-OS
RetroM (Murray) has been a good friend of mine for years, and DC-OS was his main GUI for quite a while, somehow it hasn't been GUI of the week yet. This version was the only one I could find on Data Components, but I remember there being other versions, so maybe they'll turn up sometime. This version basically has the same look as other versions but seems to not have some of the applications that I remember. Download: DC-OS Beta 2 (Oh, and if Todd's reading this, feel free to add this screenshot to Data Components)
2013-10-063:05 PM

Oh dear... *hides head in shame* Well at least it had a nice wallpaper I suppose. Which I stole from Windows ME...
2013-10-066:17 PM

BrandonRe: GOTW: DC-OS
Next week I'll post a newer version, and it'll be a wonderful improvement story ;)
2013-10-066:55 PM

Thank you for the screenshot!
2013-10-079:52 AM

BrandonRe: GOTW: DC-OS
It's only fair, I've "borrowed" quite a few from you.
2013-10-079:59 AM


2021 Brandon Cornell