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trollyQ-Step OS
After a long time of inactivity, i decided to comme back in gui developpement. But i decided to develop a totaly new os to avoid the DOS and quickbasic limitation. The os itself is written in assembly (using the fasm assembler) and boot using grub. It's very minimalist, but modulable to extreme: the kernel contains only a few set of features manage the memory manage the interrupts handler outpout to textmode console relocate ,initialize, the modules loaded by the bootloader manage the functions exported by the modules manage the list of block devices the modules gives the "optional" features keyboard driver floppy driver vfs driver fat driver vesa driver etc... the os is signle task. On top of the kernel, there is the shell , wich is the "GUI Manager", the gui manager do all the gui stuff, and it's designed in a OOP model in ASM, the manager can load multiple application, but only one is visible at the same time, when the user switch to another app, the manager switch the memory of the switched from/to application. The gui application are fully event driven. It mean, that there is no main loop for the application. Instead, there is 4 functions : Init, End,Update,Redraw Init : when the application is launched, the application define the gui initialize the gui element End : cleanup task Update : to update the state of the application Redaw : to redraw the contents (not the gui elements, wich are managed by the gui manager) To handle the events (by example a click on a buton) the app defin the function to be executed when a click occurs, the manager will call it when a click on the button is detected Finaly, i created a cross platform compiler environment for fbc to develop applicaton in freebasic. Not all functions is wrapped. But i can already have an application with a button , and a label [caption id="attachment_950" align="alignnone" width="300"] Caputre of the sample application[/caption] [caption id="attachment_951" align="alignnone" width="181"] code of the sample application, written in freebasic[/caption] the manager's main loop, call the code to manage the gui elements, then, call the update function of the current runing app, then he redraw the gui , and call the app's redraw functions. when a modal dialog is shown, the manager doesent draw the app's gui, and does'nt manage it while the modal dialog is visible. instead it draw & manage the modal dialog only
2013-10-123:37 PM

BrandonRe: Q-Step OS
Are there any plans to add multitasking? Any other future plans?
2013-10-123:38 PM

trollyRe: Q-Step OS
if i add multitasking, i'll loss the simplicity of the system, because the app will not run in the same space than the kernel, and will not be able to call the kernel & modules functions direclty. and i'll need to implement paging or segmentation (dealing with the gdt etc...). .... or i'll have to implement the dynamic relocation of the apps to be runed everywhere in the memoryspace (for now, only the module have a position independent code) for now, i plan to extend the gui toolkit , to have something more usable. And later, port the freebasic runtime library to write the application at easyest as possible.
2013-10-123:44 PM

pharoahRe: Q-Step OS
Wow, that's quite a project. I'd be curious to know how it works... is the source on GitHub or something?
2013-10-124:43 PM

trollyRe: Q-Step OS
Not yet, but i can send you the code on request. I'll publish it officially when it will be more complete
2013-10-125:02 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell