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geekbasic | Geek Basic DesktopGeek Basic Desktop
Geek Basic Desktop is a GUI for MS DOS that is intended to help users manage their filesystem. It has a built in scripting language (Geek Basic Script) and allows up to four scripts to be ran at a time. Each script is allowed to create windows and other forms.
Download link: GBD
| 2013-10-17 | 9:43 PM |
geekbasic | Re: Geek Basic DesktopI just fixed some small errors. I also added drive letters to the file manager. This also runs on a floppy by the way or in any directory. | 2013-10-18 | 4:07 AM |
RetroM | Re: Geek Basic DesktopNot bad. But I think the mouse routines need work, they seem to slow the whole GUI down. Otherwise it's pretty good for only 348KB of GUI ;-) | 2013-10-18 | 6:26 AM |
geekbasic | Re: Geek Basic DesktopThanks for the input. I will look into making the mouse better as you say. | 2013-10-18 | 6:49 AM |
geekbasic | Re: Geek Basic DesktopI have added task switching buttons to the system bar to prevent processes from conflicting. | 2013-10-26 | 12:53 AM |
geekbasic | Re: Geek Basic DesktopNew updates:
* some overflow and other silly errors fixed (will now boot nicely from a flash drive using autoexec.bat)
* higher resolution | 2014-01-02 | 2:25 AM |
atrocity | Re: Geek Basic DesktopYou should post updates to the site as new posts so we can see updates as they happen! I didn't even know you fixed stuff until I saw the comments side-bar, lol! | 2014-01-02 | 3:25 PM |
Brandon | Re: Geek Basic DesktopI agree with Atrocity, you should post a new post every time you update so that it's easier to find, and so that the old material is kept for archival purposes.
Even a couple of sentences is perfectly good for a news post, that way we can all keep up on your progress. | 2014-01-02 | 10:13 PM |
2021 Brandon Cornell