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Brandon | GOTW: ENDAZe IIIFor this week's GUI of the week, to quote Todd Suess on Data Components: ENDAZe is interesting as a GUI demo. Sadly, the demo did not include any scripts, any code, or documentation what-so-ever. I only know the GUI information at the top since I saw this GUI before and found the information for it. ENDAZe, I believe, was a new version of MrChrome's precedented New-Way GUI. I have only two screenshots of that GUI, and I'll see if I can put something up about New-Way. But, ENDAZe has some neat styles to it, all of the windows can be dragged, and neat of all, the windows can be minimized with a minimize animation like that in Windows. Download: ENDAZe III | 2013-11-04 | 10:58 PM |
2021 Brandon Cornell