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sbElements of a GUI
I imagine each element as an object that can be molded in different ways, and events that are triggered by each object.

Mouse Pointer
-Displays current location of mouse
-Might be changeable depending on purpose of control beneath it

-Displays a Background Colour or Picture
-Displays all currently opened and visible windows
-Might display a task bar
-Might display a list of applications

-Displays a title bar
-Displays a border showing window size
-Windows might be fixed or re-sizable
-Might display button to close/minimise/maximise
-Might display a menu
-Displays current controls associated with window
*Can be clicked
*Most likely can be moved
*Might be re-sizable

-Single Text Element
-Might align to left/right/centre
*Can be clicked/double clicked

-Text or possibly picture
-Might align text/picture
-Might have disabled/enabled
-Might show different appearance when in disabled state
-Might allow a clicked on/click off state
*Can be clicked/double clicked

Check Box
-Text or possibly picture
-Clicked/unclicked state
-Might have disabled/enabled
-Might show different appearance when in disabled state
*Can be clicked/double clicked
Radio Option
-Text or possibly picture
-Clicked/unclicked state
-Might have disabled/enabled
-Might show different appearance when in disabled state
-Only allow one option to be set in group
*Can be clicked/double clicked

-Size of Frame
-Might be used in conjunction with Radio options

Horizontal/Vertical Scroll Bars
-Might have Speed of Scroll
-Might have Jump Size (when clicking the bar itself)
-Text Editable
-Might have Read only
-Might have Disabled
-Might allow selection
*Can be clicked/double clicked
*Can handle keyboard input, possibly with validation
List Box
-List of text items
-Might contain pictures
-Might allow multiple selections
*Can be clicked/double clicked
*Can add item
*Can delete item
*Might sort items

Drop Down
-Text might have pictures
-Might be editable
-Might have disabled
-Might show list box
*Can be clicked/double clicked

Picture Box
-Might scale picture depending on Size
*Can be clicked/double clicked

Rich Text
-Might have multiple fonts
-Might show multiple colours
-Might support file format

Anyways I didn't know if we had discussed GUI elements before, or what ones should be included, this is my list, I think rich text can be missed, and drop down is basically a text box, with a button and list attached.

So what GUI elements do you start on first, what ones do you like working with?
2011-04-112:50 AM

tacodrake95Re:Elements of a GUI
Well, i think that the first thing anyone should start with is the mouse, followed by labels, then a desktop. The other things come when the person has figured out how to do them.
2011-04-112:14 PM


2021 Brandon Cornell