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BrandonGUI Information.
This will be a sticky for any GUI in development. Reply with a screenshot, download, or links, and then edit it to remain current. [b]ANY OTHER POSTS WILL BE DELETED!![/b]
2008-07-038:09 PM

For the GUI pecking order contest I made Viper. Its unitasking and kind of simple, it could easily be compared to a Fun500 GUI of the 2005 Series. Download Here: http://fun500.brandoncornell.com/Viper.zip
2008-07-038:12 PM

BrandonFun500 GUI
Fun500 GUI, was the GUI I started making in 2005 when I found Jacobs site and I've been working on it since. On the wiki: http://theguiblog.com/index.php?option=com_openwiki&Itemid=46&id=fun500 Its own site: http://fun500.brandoncornell.com
2008-07-0512:08 PM

ErgonOS is a Workflow based GUI system. When I say Workflow based I mean that the GUI uses the Workflow and work load metaphor as it's means of visually presenting itself to the user. Here's a link to the project website (new site, not a lot to ready yet, but that will change as everything else evolves with the ErgonOS project. http://www.symbioticsoftware.net/ergonos/tiki-index.php
2008-07-057:57 PM

MPNQBProject Ice
Project Ice is the next generation of MS-DOS, DR-DOS, and FreeDOS Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Ice eschews the traditional window management scheme of overlapping windows in favor of a tiled window manager similar of that to dwm, wmii, or Ion which are used in Linux environments. This turns window management over to the computer and away from the user, making DOS easier to use than ever. Ice will also feature a new scripter caled ARS (Advanced RealScript), an extension of the RealScript III platform developed for Ice. EnSpireMe 0.3.0 applications are planned to be reverse-compatible. Ice will multitask and applications can either be tiled or switched from the task bar. Follow the development of Ice on the Qbasic GUI Blog.
2008-07-058:33 PM

MPNQBEnSpireMe 0.5.0
EnSpireMe is mpnqb's premier GUI, and its history dates back to 2004 as the successor to two internally developed GUIs, S-DOS and SmartOS. Concieved as "Codename Eagle", EnSpireMe first set out to duplicate the look of CDOS II, an unreleased Qbasic GUI from 1999. This is why the kernel is named "CCLONE.BAS". However, in the interest of originality, development soon shifted toward developing its own appearance and function. "Codename Eagle" gaveway to "EnSpire" for the release of version 0.1.5. This version was only released to a select group of individuals as a preview. By this point, the desktop had a taskbar, icons, and a broken BMP loader. Non-movable windows and controls had been developed by this point. Version 0.2.0 was later released to the public as "EnSpireMe". 0.2.0 saw the implementation of RealScript III, the third version of RealScript and the first publicly availible. Version 0.3.0 came out almost a year later, and saw numerous leaps and bounds in development. Version 0.4.0 was under development in mid 2005 before the development computer's hard drive crashed. A backup was kept, but mpnqb scrapped 0.4.0 in favor of a more modern, useful UI and kernel. Version 0.4.5 was a complete rewrite of the original EnSpireMe in FreeBASIC-32 bit and began as Project Neon, mpnqb's late 2006 project to create an advanced DOS GUI. EnSpireMe and Neon were merged in early 2008 to create EnSpireMe version 0.4.5. Version 0.4.5 was the first version to feature 256 colors, fully movable windows based on the appearance of MrChrome's ENDAZe III, and a multitasking scripter based on the new RealScript 4. Development on the new kernel continued until a bug was discovered in which closing applications caused another window to take on another's controls. This kernel was scrapped for another complete rewrite that commenced in June 2008. EnSpireMe is perhaps best known for introducing dithering, the result of development on mpnqb's CMVD (Color Mixing Video Driver). Dithering blends two colors together in a 16 color mode, allowing for 16 solid colors and 240 color combinations. The future of EnSpireMe remains up in the air as resources have been turned toward developing Project Ice. However, version 0.5.0 will not be released without a traditional fully functioning window system that works properly, and a minimalist shell.
2008-07-059:06 PM

RMOS is an SVGA GUI based on an old DC-OS base, due to the fact that it's development was rushed due to the GUI contest (And the music I was listening to lol) it was somewhat buggy and unstable. But had the contest actually been judged I'm sure it would've scored high ;)
2008-07-066:35 PM

Cobra is a SVGA Task swappping GUI. It can be found [url=http://kigon07.googlepages.com/cobracut.zip]here[/url]. The Beta 1 focused on graphics and style, which it really didn't have. There was more planned for the beta but the QB GUI contest limited my time. The login didn't have a list of users, you just had to know the name and type it. There was a review on cobra published by the admin of this site, Brandon Cornell. The review can be found [url=http://theguiblog.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14]here[/url]. Giving it a rating of 14/40 or in other wirds 7/20 it was a fair shot. Everything starts small. Cobra 2K9 Beta 2 was released for the 08 GUI awards & came at 5th. it was submitted with a fatal error, Brandon submitted the temporary fix to the blog while I Started Beta 3 with a permanent fix, this time it won't be rushed and the quality will deeply [strike]improve[/strike] ABANDONED
2008-07-069:50 PM

trollyAsgard Project
Asgard is a "Document Centric" GUI with network capabilities (poin&clic qml browser, online update,...), it use a light builded FutureLIB version (with only xms and svga) to spare memory. It run in 640x480 256 colors mode. For now , it has no configuration tools. Full version can be found here: http://asgard.theguiblog.com/files/asgard_full.zip and the Light Version can be found here: http://asgard.theguiblog.com/files/asgard_minimal.zip i recomend you to use the minimal version, and install apps that you need with the update tools. but, if network dont work for you, i recomend you to use the full version, wich is the minimal version with all applications pre-installed
2009-04-238:38 PM

agumaRe:GUI Information.
Wow, this thread is old... Spark is a new GUI I'm making that focuses on ease of use and speed. I redesigned the look of windows slightly to make them faster to draw and a bit cooler looking. A lot of stuff is transparent, so you don't have to move everything around to look at what's under it. But not Vista semi-transparent, it's actually 100% transparent. Cause Vista's was for looks :P The scripting language it uses is similar to assembly, except ten times more complicated. However it's very flexible and I wrote all my GUI controls in it. And because I feel like bragging about how incredibly awesome my scripting language is, here's a snippet: [code] GUI.Input: S+ CMPSTR AC8 "*" JNE NotPassword ADD DS 4 MSET DS 27 SUB DS 4 NotPassword: INC DS CHR 13 SET ES DS DEC DS CHR 8 SET AC8 *DS MSET *DS+3 AC8 SET FS ES INC FS SET AC8 AC3 SUB AC8 AC1 DIV AC8 8 MSET FS AC8 MGET AC8 *DS+3 BOX AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 1 GUI_WhileTxb: MOUSEIN AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 CMP *DS 0 JE CheckIfB1 GUI_AfterWhileTxb: CONC AC5 KEY RIGHT AC5 1 CMPSTR *DS AC8 JE GUI_Backspace CMPSTR *DS *ES JE GUI_Enter LEN AC5 CMP *DS *FS JE GUI_RemoveBit JMP GUI_PrintTxM AfterInput: BOX AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 BD ADD DS 4 MSET DS 0 SUB DS 4 S- RET CheckIfB1: MOUSEB CMP *DS 1 JE retit JMP GUI_AfterWhileTxb retit: JMP AfterInput[/code] But don't worry, you won't necessarily have to use it, because I'm going to write a compiler for it soon. More later...
2009-11-252:32 PM

bongomenoRe:GUI Information.
I have just COMPLETELY rewrote DREAM16 OS for the better! I started it coding this morning. It features all of, but no only the following: - moveable and closeable multi-size windows - moveable desktop icons - desktop icons can do a number of tasks including running apps - password (optional) - several applications including a TINY BASIC interpreter - a colorful interface - saving of user settings upon exiting the OS - graphical font routine with different styles I plan on adding much more (screen saver, scripting language), but this is mainly a demo of what is yet to come... I appreciate all comments! here is the download link on my site: http://geekbasic.webs.com/DREAM16.zip
2009-12-297:29 PM

jasonwoodlandRe:GUI Information.
=NavaskaOE= [strike]=Geode= [/strike] [strike]Graphically Enhanced Operations for the Desktop Environment[/strike] Navaska is an OE (Operating Environment) for DOS, it includes a scripting language. Navaska includes a CS GUI (Client-Server Graphical User Interface) written in the scripting language and is completely customizable. The scripting language is is written into the Kernel and includes around 50 commands, to draw a window it is quite different from anything else. INIT WINDOWX$=GLOBAL.SCREEN_X$/2-200 WINDOWY$=GLOBAL.SCREEN_Y$/2-200 WINDOWW$=GLOBAL.SCREEN_X$/2+200 WINDOWH$=GLOBAL.SCREEN_Y$/2+200 WINDOWTEXT$="Demo window" WINDOWDRAG$=1 END INIT MERGE GLOBAL.GUI_WINDOW$ Global strings include system information, in this case, file directories. Global stings can include kernel versions, screen resolutions, even hidden easter egg information. Merge uses other scripts like sub-programs, merge will read information and send information back to the main script. Navaska has been through hundreds of builds. With the help of Stephan Wegener, Andrew Wang and the great RJ Mical, Navaska will live up to its dream.
2010-01-117:14 AM


2021 Brandon Cornell