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izidorBGUI II
[SPOILER]Long thread :) BGUI II is simple QB64 GUI inspired by GIMI, KMAX, costa080... There is no real use of BGUI execpt for fun. Yes it has some programs that can do useful things but they aren't professional. It is something I do when I have free time. BGUI (first version) is very similar to what BGUI II was going to be, but then for some reason I wanted to make icons and that s*** (the word on the left is on the left because I over rushed my self in this with small knowledge of graphics and mouse programing). There is a little programing language, but it's still in development. I can announce that probably in a add-on there well be it's own tracker (for music), ability to upgrade the version by downloading it through some kind of Packager and many other things that I will keep as a secret. Here is the screenshot of what I intended to upload as BGUI II (up) and down there is screenshot of BGUI (first version). Similarity is obvious: [IMG]http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l435/lordthat536/OriginalBGUI2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l435/lordthat536/BGUIB.png[/IMG] This is BGUI 2 a month or two ago: [IMG]http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l435/lordthat536/mycompd.png[/IMG] And now BGUI 2(II) today: [IMG]http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l435/lordthat536/BGUI2today1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l435/lordthat536/BGUI2today2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l435/lordthat536/BGUI2today3.png[/IMG] I was sick for 2 weeks so there isn't much visual difference, but many things have changed. If anyone is interested i can send him current version. And if you have any comments or ideas about BGUI please PM me. Izidor
2009-11-249:17 AM

BrandonRe:BGUI II
Please note that because QB64 can't compile for DOS you loose the ability to enter GUI Awards. Assuming your code is mainly QBASIC like, you could probably compile it in QBASIC pretty easily. If the problem is that you use a new version of Windows, then most of us use DOSBox.
2009-11-249:29 AM

izidorRe:BGUI II
Yes I'm aware that I can't enter GUI Awards. Yes the code is mostly QBASIC like, but I'm using QB64 because some commands are not that complicated like in QBASIC (for FB I don't know) and I really don't know how to use QBASIC commands that I need. Beside those things, do you have anything to tell me about BGUI somethings that could be better?
2009-11-243:18 PM


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