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pharoah | Most Mysterious GUIsI'm curious as to what the most mysterious Qbasic GUIs out there are. By that, I mean the ones that look like they've got all kinds of cool features, but have inadequate documentation or source, or GUIS that are cool but made by anonymous folks. I know that there are some out there, particularly scripters that never had many scripts written for them. Can anyone suggest some, so that I can poke around and see what I can learn about them? | 2010-01-03 | 6:58 PM |
Brandon | Re:Most Mysterious GUIsFun500 4 lacks scripts :P | 2010-01-03 | 7:04 PM |
pharoah | Re:Most Mysterious GUIsYes Brandon, but Fun500 4 is hardly mysterious. I'm thinking more along the lines of TGO and the like. | 2010-01-03 | 7:10 PM |
Brandon | Re:Most Mysterious GUIsOh, well I found this GUI called TGO, it is very mysterious :P | 2010-01-03 | 7:19 PM |
Todd | Re:Most Mysterious GUIsTry KaOS. KaOS has little documentation and is pretty mysterious. I got it to run once but it's very difficult to get it working. | 2010-01-03 | 7:46 PM |
bongomeno | Re:Most Mysterious GUIsHow about MageOS?
http://qbasicgui.datacomponents.net/MageOS.html | 2010-01-03 | 9:22 PM |
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